At this website I share educational resources to support my teaching and outreach in the history of science. These materials support various forms of instruction — graduate and undergraduate courses, visiting classes and tours — and provide anyone with opportunities for exhibit-based learning. Unless otherwise noted, resources on these pages are released with a Creative Commons license to share alike, with attribution, non-commercial (CC-by-sa-nc). replaces a website called “Lynx Open Ed,” which was a joint effort by myself and Brent Purkaple. We used the Lynx Open Ed website to share Open Educational Resources (OER’s) related to a major Galileo’s World exhibit in 2015-2016, of which we were the overall curators. We presented the theory behind our exhibit-based learning framework in a presentation at OpenEd 2015: Libraries as Makers of OERs: A Pilot Project (PDF).
The Accademia dei Lincei (Academy of the Lynx) was one of the earliest scientific societies, founded by Federigo Cesi in 1603. Galileo became their most illustrious member. They adopted the lynx as their emblem because of its famed night vision, for they sought to peer more deeply into the secrets of nature than ever before. Indeed, the eyes of the “Lynx” made sensational new discoveries as they explored the worlds revealed by Galileo’s microscope and telescope.
The Lynx Open Ed drupal website became corrupted and is now in a process of recovery. Now in spring 2023 I am converting it to a WordPress site called “” — “” will redirect to “” for a while but eventually go away. Lynx Open Ed textual content is being restored first, then links, images, and PDFs will be re-established. I’m gathering additional materials together here as well (use the navbar to explore non-Galileo’s World content). Check back at the end of the semester when the site will likely be operational.
Kerry Magruder, PhD
Curator, History of Science Collections
The John H. and Drusa B. Cable Chair
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Department of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Oklahoma
401 W. Brooks, BL 521, Norman, OK 73019 USA
kmagruder (at)
More about me…
For OU, see my faculty page. My online projects include a professional blog,; a personal blog,; the T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship; the Wade Center Podcast Index; and Sky Tonight. For a basic bio and more about me, see the About page of my professional blog.