This video was the opening talk of an all-day Symposium held at the Sam Noble Museum as part of the Galileo’s World exhibition in Spring 2015. After initial comments by Rick Luce, Dean of Libraries, my purpose was twofold: to provide an orientation to the overall exhibition, and to introduce the speakers we had invited for the occasion. I tried to kill two birds with one stone, i.e., to accomplish both aims simultaneously, by creating imaginary custom tours of the exhibition tailored specifically for each speaker. It was a particular honor to be able to host each of these speakers on campus as part of the exhibition. Every speaker spent time during their visit to Norman not only touring the exhibition’s various locales and galleries, but also interacting with graduate students. This approach to the Symposium as an expression of the purpose of the exhibition is explained by Dean Luce in his opening remarks.
Symposium speakers:
Links are to videos of Symposium presentations.
- Rick Luce, Dean, University Libraries, and Kerry Magruder, Symposium Introduction (this video)
- Theresa Marks, Assistant Dean for Academic Student Services, OU College of Engineering, The OU Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Paolo Galluzzi, Director, Museo Galileo (formerly Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza), The Galileotheca Digital Library
- Tony Hey, CBE, Vice President of Microsoft Research Connections 2005-2014 (video not available)
- Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., Director, Vatican Observatory, Galileo and the Church
- Nick Wilding, Georgia State University, Galileo Forgeries